Wedding Invitation Wording
How should I word my wedding invitations?
Below is the most traditional layout for wording your invitations, as well as some samples with different wording choices. Keep in mind - the wedding is about you! Make sure your invitation is a reflection of your personality while still giving your guests an idea of the formality of your wedding.
The first line of your invitations declares who is hosting the wedding. This is most traditionally the bride's parents.
Both sets of Parents:
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
along with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Charles
The couple:
Together with their families
Bride’s Parents:
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
If parents are divorced and remarried:
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Mrs. Jane Brown
The second line is inviting your guests to the ceremony, this line can change depending on how formal the wedding.
Formal wedding, in a church: Request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter
Formal wedding, not in a church: Request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter
Informal wedding:
Invite you to join them in celebration of their marriage
Joyfully invite you to their wedding
Would be delighted to invite you to their wedding
Next, the couple’s names are listed.
The woman is always listed first. For same sex couples, names should be listed in alphabetical order.
If the bride's parents are hosting the wedding and her last name is listed above, there is no need to repeat it here. The bride's first and middle name should be listed. The groom's full name should be listed.
Remember proper grammar when deciding between “and” or “to” between the couple’s names. If the bride's parents are inviting the guests to the marriage of their daughter "Jennifer Lynn to Joseph Adam Charles" that would read differently than "Together with their families Jennifer and Adam invite you..."
If the Bride’s parents are hosting the wedding, but you would still like to include the Groom’s parents, this is where they would be listed. Under the Groom’s name the “son of” line can be added.
The ceremony date and time comes next. Remember to spell everything out, no abbreviations.
When writing out the year, "and" is not included. For example: Saturday, the seventh of April, two thousand eighteen.
The time is spelled out using "o'clock." If you would like to note the time of day, either "in the morning," "in the afternoon," or "in the evening" can be used. Something to keep in mind: Six o’clock is the start time for using “in the evening.” If your wedding is a 5pm, it would be listed as “at five o’clock in the afternoon.” Weddings that begin on the half hour, would be listed as "at half past five o'clock in the afternoon."
Following the date and time is the location. The location should be listed using its full title as well as the city and state. The address of the location is not necessary, unless it takes place at a residential home.
If the reception is at the same location as the ceremony, the last line on the invitation would be similar to the following: “Reception to follow” or “Cocktails, dinner, and dancing to follow.”
If the reception is at a separate location, a separate reception card should be printed.
Hi! I’m Erin,
and I would love to help you with your wedding invitations. Still have questions about how to word your invites? I work with my couples to create the perfect custom invitations and can walk you through the best wording for your event! Fill out the contact form below to get started.